OUR GOAL: Ambitious, fair, and durable decarbonization policies, enacted with bipartisan support, that achieve
net-zero by 2050.
OUR STRATEGY: Empowering the ecosystem of climate-forward conservatives – and their allies who engage key constituencies – with the infrastructure, funding, and coordination to:
Shape conservative media narratives about climate change;
Produce research products, fill data gaps, and exercise thought leadership that informs and motivates policy making;
Engage key constituencies to educate lawmakers, demonstrate diverse support for climate leadership, and help lawmakers/staff put wise ideas to use.
FUNDER INTERMEDIARY WORK: We partner with individual and institutional philanthropic leaders – through regranting, convening, strategic advice, and research and data – to correct the polarizing imbalance in climate funding and enable more bipartisan climate breakthroughs.
““We recommend donating to DEPLOY/US because it’s uniquely positioned to insulate climate policy against the shifting winds of politics.””
““We’ve been impressed with both their vision and their execution. Without a doubt, supporting DEPLOY/US has been one of the most important investments we have made.””
““We took a leap of faith with DEPLOY/US on an untested strategy and a new team. Now, a few years in, we can say with confidence that we made the right decision. Their theory of change and ability to execute is unparalleled, and their credibility opens doors to new conversations and organizations inaccessible to progressive climate groups. Now, more than ever, are major investments needed to supercharge DEPLOY/US’ scale and impact.””
““I am impressed with DEPLOY/US’ strategic approach and growing momentum. They are not only working to accelerate conservative leadership on climate change as a necessary foundation for bipartisan action; they are playing a unique role in advancing the growth and impact of the Ecoright field, the ecosystem of civil society organizations working right-of-center on climate change.””
DEPLOY/US is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.